Friday, 19 December 2014
Sunday, 7 December 2014
My Amazon Author page includes book info and and social media links
Please check out and share my Amazon author page. Happy reading, everyone! xo
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
My ebook Turnstiles is now free to read (PDF) on Goodreads
My novel Turnstiles is now free to read (PDF version) on Goodreads until Friday, December 5th. Happy Holidays! :) Cheers, Andrea
Sunday, 23 November 2014
Recap of an Evening Spent with a Local Book Club Who Read Turnstiles
On Thursday night, I had the privilege to be invited to a local book club as a guest author to discuss my novel Turnstiles. It was such a treat (and a little surreal!) to be in a room of women who had studiously read the book; they also quoted passages and spurred on great discussions about different themes. The wine flowed as well as the words. I was impressed by the questions that were raised and musings about different characters and parts of the story; not to mention greatly encouraged by the group's overall positive comments about the book and how connected and sympathetic they felt toward the characters and their various plights. I was also told that it was one of the only times they had spent the entire evening discussing a book they had read. I look forward to more opportunities to chat with book clubs, and spend a rare literary evening engaged in the company of readers! I am feeling inspired.
Wednesday, 19 November 2014
Friday, 14 November 2014
A Poem for Remembrance Day from my poetry book A Mother's String
I realize this poem is being posted after Remembrance Day, but I wanted to share it:
My Grandfather's Box
My mother keeps her recipes, tax receipts
and other ingredients for her daily tasks,
to help keep the house standing,
all in my grandfather's box.
He gave it to her shortly before the operation,
and told her about how it was a gift
given to him in the war by a Russian prisoner.
A man he would have never considered an enemy,
beyond the sound of bombs blasting
and barbed wire fences of the prison camp.
Beyond, where the beaches were still
a place to search for living shells
that didn't explode in your hands.
This man collected shiny paper, perhaps
Christmas wrappings, and cut-outs from magazines,
piecing together a mosaic
or a collage of twentieth century culture
to meld his with the western world.
To remember, and to reach out
beyond his world,
one he shared with this stranger, my grandfather,
in that dire place.
An unlikely gift between men
both encased in foreign surroundings.
The colour has faded from the touching of hands,
the lid opened and closed gently, but too often.
This box was not meant for
my mother's recipes and receipts,
but it is right for her to keep it
to know the history
to fill the box with memory.
From A Mother's String published by Ekstasis Editions, 2005
Monday, 10 November 2014
Turnstiles: A Great Read To Curl Up With On A Chilly Night
Please check out and share my author website and debut novel, Turnstiles at Turnstiles is receiving wonderful reviews, and is a great read to curl up with on these cold, autumn nights. Cheers and happy reading everyone, Andrea McKenzie Raine
Sunday, 9 November 2014
Literary Passages -- Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Catherine's face was just like the landscape -- shadows and sunshine flitting over it, in rapid succession; but the shadows rested longer and the sunshine was more transient, and her poor little heart reproached itself for even that passing forgetfulness of its cares.
Wednesday, 5 November 2014
Judge, 22nd Annual Writer’s Digest Self-Published Book Awards.
This is a sensitively told and intriguing drama that unfolds around the world from London to Paris, Canada to the United States. The trade paper package is a good one: The matte cover features an attractive type treatment, but the title is hard to read due to a lack of contrast. The cover image is strong and striking. But overall, the bland color palette limits the impact of the cover. The spine also suffers from a lack of contrast. The back cover is well-designed; the cover copy is good and the endorsement is a nice touch. The author bio is solid and the author photo is striking. The interior is clean and well-designed, and the text is well-edited and presented.
The writing is clear and precise and very readable. The style is engaging and entertaining, straightforward and direct. The author writes about people who are lost on every level physical, emotional, and spiritual with compassion and insight. Her characters are finely drawn and well-developed. This is a rich and layered work told by a first-rate storyteller. That said, the author tends to move from one character's point of view to another within the same scene; this head jumping detracts from the story and undermines its effectiveness.
Monday, 3 November 2014
Spawning A Sequel For Turnstiles
This morning, a creative seed was planted for a sequel to Turnstiles. I am also polishing my draft manuscript for the prequel novella... the saga continues!
Sunday, 2 November 2014
Literary Passages -- Moby Dick by Herman Melville
Threading its way out from among his grey hairs, and continuing right down one side of his tawny scorched face and neck, till it disappeared in his clothing, you saw a slender rod-like mark, lividly whitish. It resembled that perpendicular seam sometimes made in the straight, lofty trunk of a great tree, when the upper lightning tearingly darts down it, and without wrenching a single twig, peels and grooves out the bark from top to bottom, ere running off into the soil, leaving the tree still greenly alive, but branded.
Thursday, 30 October 2014
A Great Day for Turnstiles!
Today I found out that Turnstiles has once again sold out at Munro's Books in Victoria. I also received a wonderful invitation to attend another book club meeting next month as a visiting author to discuss my novel. Excuse me, while I do the 'happy dance'.
A Sweet Gesture From My Five-Year-Old Son
My eldest son was telling me that his kindergarten teacher said when she was a little girl she wanted to be a teacher one day, and now she is a teacher. I told him that if you work hard you can become whatever you want to be, and that when I was a little girl I wanted to write a book one day. Then he asked me if he could have his own copy of my book. I said "of course". He asked if he could see his copy of my book, so I gave him one. He read the words "Chapter One" and asked me "is this a chapter book?" Then he started flipping through my book -- very gently and slowly lifting the bottom corner of each page and saying "ooh, nice book. There are a lot of words in your book!" He wanted to put a bookmark in it, so that he can continue looking at the pages tomorrow and not lose his place. He was very adamant that I put it away somewhere safe for him to read one day, and told me to remember not to sell it to anyone else. He also asked me if he could write a book one day, too. My heart is melting! xoxo
Sunday, 26 October 2014
Please Help My Book Reach More Readers in Canadian Bookstores and Libraries
I have asked my publisher to sign an agreement to supply copies of my book to a Canadian book distributor, so that my book can be sent to Canadian bookstores and libraries. I am still awaiting the decision. At the moment, I am buying copies of my book at an author discount to shelve in local bookstores on consignment. If you are interested in purchasing my book, Turnstiles, please also ask your local bookstores to order/stock it. If there is more demand for my book, then my publisher and the Canadian distributor may be more willing to help me reach a wider audience, and it would relieve me from paying for my own book to sell to readers. Turnstiles is receiving wonderful reviews, and I would like to have the opportunity to make it more available to the public. Thank you for your support. Cheers, everyone! xo
Literary Passages -- The Island of the Day Before by Umberto Eco
And, alone, I live, burning dullness and tenebrous flame, vague specter that in this adverse conflict of opposites my mind imagines ever the same, and so would convey to yours. Saving my life in this wood fortress, in this rocking bastion that defends me, prisoner of the sea, from the sea, punished by the clemency of Heaven, hidden in this deep sarcophagus open to every sun, in this airy dungeon, in this impregnable prison that offers me everywhere escape, I despair of seeing you more.
Sunday, 19 October 2014
Literary Passages -- The Name of the Rose by Umberto Eco
What is the purpose of the holy cleansing of confession, if not to unload the weight of sin, and the remorse it involves, into the very bosom of our Lord, obtaining with absolution a new and airy lightness of soul, such as to make us forget the body tormented by wickedness?
Saturday, 18 October 2014
Purchase your copy of my poetry book A Mother's String today!
My poetry book A Mother's String is available at
Thursday, 16 October 2014
Buy/download a copy of Turnstiles or write a review on the Inkwater Books website
Check out my debut novel Turnstiles, write a review on the Inkwater Books website at and/or share this link. Curl up with a good read on a wet, windy autumn day! Cheers xo
Submitting my novel Turnstiles as a book suggestion at the University of Calgary
I was notified today by someone who suggested my novel Turnstiles for the Common Reading Program at the University of Calgary. If you feel so inclined, you can also suggest Turnstiles for this program. I am sure they choose books based on the criteria, as well as the amount of interest. Here is the link:
Monday, 13 October 2014
Literary passages -- The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas
Franz abandoned himself to that mute reverie, into which we always sink when smoking excellent tobacco, which seems to remove with its fume all the troubles of the mind, and to give the smoker in exchange all the visions of the soul.
Sunday, 5 October 2014
A Week in the Life of a Writing, Working Mom...
Since life is getting busier by the day, and my old school journaling has fallen to wayside, I thought to start keeping record of my writing life in my writing blog... makes sense, right? The days and stolen hours of my 'settling down on the couch with a glass of wine or herbal tea and recapping the week in my journal (yes, pen and paper)' seem to be disappearing. The responsibilities at my day job are ramping up, and the boys are getting bigger and more vocally demanding... so, admittedly, the end of the day usually dissolves into TV land, as we try to clear out all the shows we've PVR'd. I know, Stephen King said that if you want to be a serious writer, the TV should be the first thing to go. I want to emphasize that I do find time to be creative and work on my writing projects -- currently, I am polishing my prequel novella to Turnstiles. My darling husband is going over my manuscript with fresh eyes, as well. I am also still trying to find a home for my second full-length manuscript of poetry titled Spectrums & Apertures, and a chapbook of ghazis. I do feel divided at times... drifting away from the physical connection with my writing community as I devote my time to my boys and count the diminishing hours in the evening until the next 10-hour work day (I leave the house at 7:30am and return at 5:30pm). My oldest son has begun kindergarten, which changes some scheduling and adds some light 'homework' for the three of us to complete each evening. Anyhow, it is life and work and writing, being present and productive and keeping it all going without letting go of hopes and dreams. I want to express a huge gratitude to all of you who have been following my posts, joining me on Twitter, liking my author pages, and purchasing my book and kindly writing reviews. It means the world to me and helps me to stay inspired and encouraged in my writing endeavours. I recently had the dilemma of whether or not to keep my books shelved on local bookshelves on consignment because I find I am providing my books from the publisher out of my own pocket. I did make the hard decision to provide a few more copies, and I hope they sell. You can check out the link at Bolen Books My books are also available at Munro Books and Mosaic Books I am enjoying the connections and conversations I've had with many new authors, as well as some of your works I've had the opportunity to read so far. I do intend to return these favours and honour the work of my writing peers. I am here, writing; either on a keyboard or in my head in the in-between time. Thank you for staying with me and being a part of my journey as a new author. I hope you've all had a wonderful weekend and I wish you a productive and enjoyable week ahead! Cheers, Andrea xo
Tuesday, 30 September 2014
My Author Interview This Week
Please check out my author interview with Fiona Mcvie at
Sunday, 28 September 2014
More copies of my novel, Turnstiles, are availabe at Bolen Books in Victoria, BC
Attention Victoria peeps: Today I gave Bolen Books 3 more copies of my novel, Turnstiles. Please check out my book and/or spread the word!
Wednesday, 17 September 2014
Looking Forward to New Anthology of Poems published by Leaf Press
I can't wait to see the new poetry anthology Cradlesong, published by Leaf Press, which includes one of my poems. I feel very priviledged to contribute to this beautiful collection of newborn poems.
Monday, 8 September 2014
More copies of Turnstiles sold at Mosaic Books
Over the weekend, Mosaic Books in Kelowna, BC sold eight more copies of my novel Turnstiles -- the total sold at this bookstore is now fourteen since my book signing event! Thank you to everyone who bought a copy. Cheers xo
Here is the bookstore link:
Tuesday, 2 September 2014
Take a Chance on a New Author -- Check Out Turnstiles!
To all my Facebook friends, and anyone else who is reading this post and may be interested, I am making a humble request for you to check out my first novel, Turnstiles, which was published independently through Inkwater Press in December 2013. Turnstiles is available at and on my Goodreads profile at, and signed paperback copies can be purchased on my author website at (click on the Buy Now button). If you have already purchased Turnstiles, thank you from the bottom of my heart -- and if you enjoyed reading it, please help spread the word. My novel is receiving wonderful reviews, and although I know that I am merely one in a million writers trying to find literary success, I am asking that you take a chance on reading my novel and help me to realize my dream of becoming a full-time author. My prequel novella to Turnstiles is currently in the works, and I have many novels and books of poetry in me to come. I have been writing poetry and fiction since I was 7 years old (I will be 40 next year), and seriously focused on becoming an author since that early age. I appreciate all of your love and support, and I am so thrilled to be embarking on this journey with you. Cheers, Andrea McKenzie Raine xo
Thursday, 28 August 2014
End of Summer Musings
Once again, I am venturing out on a limb to provide a glimpse into my daily life. Time never seems to be on my side, but I manage to steal a few minutes here and there to write, revise, read, journal, and map out my books. The summer has been full of adventures. At the moment, I am hastily working to finish my second work of fiction -- a prequel novella to my debut novel Turnstiles, which is titled A Crowded Heart -- as well as marketing my novel (to the point of ad nauseum, but such is the hopeful road to success for an indie author), trying to keep my head above water at my day job (okay, come on winning lottery ticket or best-selling novel... whichever comes first!), raising my two little monkeys, and making sure our house doesn't fall apart. This fall, I am priviledged to have a poem published in a Newborn Anthology published by Leaf Press -- very exciting! I am also waiting to hear back from a publisher about whether or not my second book of poems will be accepted for publication. So, there is a lot happening for me, and I am chipping away at new writing projects and looking forward to the unfolding dream of this author life. Thank you all for following my blog, and I do hope you continue to visit this page, spread the word, and check out my books. Wishing you a glorious Labour Day long weekend --- let's all soak up the sun's warmth before the first leaf hits the ground. We will be leaving civilization for a few days! Cheers, Andrea McKenzie Raine xo
Sunday, 10 August 2014
After 8 months of my debut novel Turnstiles roaming around in the book world, I have experienced an invaluable journey of ups and 'not quite ups', and relished every second. My self-appointed book tour (with the help of the marketing director at Inkwater Press) has come to an end for this year, and it has been a wild ride. I showcased Turnstiles at a reading in Burnaby, BC at La Fontana Café in February, was a guest author at a book signing event in Parksville, BC at The Mulberry Bush bookstore in March, flew to Calgary, Alberta for an overnight stay in April to be the featured author at a book reading at Shelf Life Books (The Single Onion Reading series) -- where I found out upon arrival that I was competing with the Calgary Spoken Word Festival (thank you to those who attended my reading!), had a successful local reading with two other authors at the Planet Earth Poetry reading series at Hillside Coffee & Tea in May, and then flew to Kelowna, BC for a book signing event at Mosaic Books in July. I have to say, with two small boys at home, I am patting myself on the back for venturing so far with my novel, and the results have been humbling. I have met many receptive readers, and I am concentrating on marketing my book and building these relationships. Thank you to all of you who have taken a chance on a new author -- I am thrilled to see my book grow its little wings and fly into the hands of strangers who have also been kind enough to share their reviews of Turnstiles on Amazon, Goodreads, and just by leaving comments on my Facebook author fan page at My novel is still available in local (Victoria, BC) bookstores at Munro's, Bolen Books, Tanner's Books, and Ivy's bookshop -- as well as at Shelf Life Books in Calgary, Alberta and Mosaic Books in Kelowna, BC. Please also check out my online book links through my author website at I hope my book continues to sell and that readers will help spread the word. I look forward to future book journeys, and also want to emphasize that I am working on a prequel novella to Turnstiles titled A Crowded Heart, which I anticipate will be ready for publication by the end of this year. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my book journey, and I look forward to meeting with many more writers and readers. I am thrilled that my first novel is seeing the light of day, and hope it continues to soar around the world! Cheers and take care, Andrea McKenzie Raine xo
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Monday, 7 July 2014
New Author Interview on Angie's Diary
I'm excited to announce that my author interview is now posted at
Sunday, 29 June 2014
Signed Copies of Turnstiles Available
Just a reminder that signed copies of Turnstiles can be purchased through PayPal on my author website at Please spread the word!
Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Making it through life by Alex Pauley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
At 16, this young poet has already learned how to wield language to evoke deep personal feelings in a way that moves beyond the pitfalls of the sentimental and usual teenage angst. I was impressed by his use of prose poetry and stream of consciousness to navigate the dark halls of his mind, as he wrestles with themes of depression. The poems are emotionally raw, yet sophisticated and polished with a natural flow. He has a skillful grasp of the building blocks of poetry, as the poems are sprinkled with internal rhyme and stronger images build within the poems like a fugue. There is a hopefulness throughout the message of his poems; a deep desire to convey his inner world and break out to the external world. His poems are enlightening and cathartic. I look forward to reading more of this poet's work.
View all my reviews
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
At 16, this young poet has already learned how to wield language to evoke deep personal feelings in a way that moves beyond the pitfalls of the sentimental and usual teenage angst. I was impressed by his use of prose poetry and stream of consciousness to navigate the dark halls of his mind, as he wrestles with themes of depression. The poems are emotionally raw, yet sophisticated and polished with a natural flow. He has a skillful grasp of the building blocks of poetry, as the poems are sprinkled with internal rhyme and stronger images build within the poems like a fugue. There is a hopefulness throughout the message of his poems; a deep desire to convey his inner world and break out to the external world. His poems are enlightening and cathartic. I look forward to reading more of this poet's work.
View all my reviews
Sunday, 22 June 2014
Resurrecting My Old Writing Blog
Please have a look through my previous writing blog at
Friday, 20 June 2014
Vote for Turnstiles in a Book Poll
Please vote for Turnstiles at
Requesting Reviews For My Novel Turnstiles
If anyone has read my novel Turnstiles and feels inclined/has the time to write a brief review at and/or, I would really appreciate it! Thanks everyone, Andrea xo
Thursday, 29 May 2014
Purchase My First Poetry Book, A Mother's String, on
For a change of pace, here is my first poetry book that was published by Ekstasis Editions in 2005. It seems to have been resurrected on Amazon! Have a gander...
Cheers, Andrea xo
Sunday, 25 May 2014
My novel Turnstiles is now available for purchasing on my author website
Great news! Now you can also buy my novel Turnstiles (paperback copies) on my author website at Cheers and happy reading! xo
Saturday, 10 May 2014
Submitted My Second Book-length Poetry Manuscript Tonight
Tonight I resubmitted my second poetry manuscript, Spectrums & Apertures, for publication at NeWest Press. This is another batch of poems that have been in the waiting gate for years, although many have been published in other anthologies. I hope my book finds a home.
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
Thursday, 1 May 2014
A very candid blog from a tired, beer-buzzed mommy and moonlighting author
Okay fellow readers and authors, this isn't one of my usual reading event or book review postings. Instead, it is a candid post about my writing experience tonight. I thought it would be a nice, refreshing change to share a part of myself. The truth is I would like to stay up all night writing, but there is an alarm clock that will sound at 6:30am, beckoning me to shower and get ready for work. Like many of you, I am existing on the hamster wheel of daycare mornings, rushing to work, getting home late, and making sure my little men are fed, happy, clean and getting to bed at a decent hour. At the moment, I am feeling inspired to write a few more paragraphs of my prequel novella, A Crowded Heart, and I am happily buzzed on some lovely beer (dinner of champions?). It feels like it should be Saturday night! The boys were fed of course, but my hubby and I -- not so much. He is currently chowing down on a chocolate revel. Still, he is content, laid back and happy that I am writing. I am one lucky lady! TMI? I sincerely hope not -- this is the reality some nights with regard to my life as a working mom, wife and author (at times, in that order), hoping to fulfill the dream of becoming a successful full-time author. Hey, the laundry is done and the dishes are clean. There simply needs to be more hours in the day. Okay, I am signing off for the night. Wishing you all sweet dreams, happy writing and good books! Andrea xo
Saturday, 26 April 2014
My New Author Page
Please share my Amazon author page at and click on the 'like' button. Thanks everyone!
Thursday, 24 April 2014
Author Interview for Turnstiles at The Coastal Spectator
Monday, 21 April 2014
My Facebook Author Fan Page
Hello readers, please visit and like my Facebook author fan page at Thanks very much and Happy Easter! xo
Saturday, 19 April 2014
New poem published in an anthology
My poem titled An Empty Chair is now published in CONTEMPORARY POETRY-AN ANTHOLOGY OF PRESENT DAY BEST POEMS at
Saturday, 12 April 2014
Novel Reads by Novel Ideas by Nick Wale - April 2014 issue
I have an author interview in the new April 2014 issue of Novel Reads by Novel Ideas at Please check it out! Thanks everyone, Andrea xo
Friday, 11 April 2014
Wednesday, 9 April 2014
Indie Author News is featuring my novel, Turnstiles
Turnstiles is featured as the Indie Book of the Day at Please check it out!
Tuesday, 11 March 2014
Friday, 28 February 2014
Turnstiles Book Launch in Burnaby at Spoken INK reading series
On Tuesday, February 18th, I embarked on a mini adventure to Vancouver to attend a literary evening at Spoken INK. I was privileged to be the featured reader promoting my novel Turnstiles. The audience turnout was small, but cozy. The environment was relaxed and fun, and I sold a decent number of books. I really enjoyed meeting the Spoken INK organizers Sheilagh, Peter and Janette. Thank you for your warm hospitality, and to those who came out on a cold, wet night to listen to poetry and prose and bought a copy of my book. A wonderful night of words, and a great beginning to my book tour! I'm looking forward to my next reading/book signing event in Parksville, BC at The Mulberry Bush Bookstore on Friday, March 7th @ 12:30pm. If you're in the area, I hope to see you there! Cheers, Andrea xo
Thursday, 6 February 2014
Funding The Book Tour For My Novel, Turnstiles
Please have a look at my Indiegogo profile at
I am trying to raise funds for my upcoming book tour.
Thank you so much,
Sunday, 2 February 2014
Thursday, 23 January 2014
A Drunken Druid's View: Review of Andrea McKenzie Raine" "Turnstiles"
A Drunken Druid's View: Review of Andrea McKenzie Raine" "Turnstiles": "Turnstiles" by Andrea McKenzie Raine is the story of different people as they struggle through common social problems. To me, the...
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Thursday, 16 January 2014
The Thursday Interview: Interview with Andrea McKenzie Raine, author of "T...
The Thursday Interview: Interview with Andrea McKenzie Raine, author of "T...: Today I'd like welcome Andrea McKenzie Raine, author of "Turnstiles" to the Thursday interview. Before we get started, a quic...
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
Exciting Times for my novel Turnstiles
My debut novel, Turnstiles, has been in the literary world for about a month, and I've been working hard to keep the buzz buzzing. A huge thank you to those of you who are retweeting and sharing my posts about unfolding events. So far, I have mailed copies of my novel (via email or snail mail) to literary publications and high profile blogs for reviews, lined up reading/book signing events, sold a good number of books directly to friends. I've also listed Turnstiles on various author network websites:,,
Soon, I'll be taking Turnstiles 'on the road' very soon... first stop, La Fontana Caffe in Burnaby, BC on February 18th @ 7:30pm. The confirmed reading events on the book launch trip are:
Mulberry Bush Book Store in Parksville, BC on March 7, 2014 @ 12:30pm
Shelf Life Books in Calgary, Alberta on April 3, 2014 @ 7:30pm
Mosaic Books in Kelowna, BC on July 12, 2014 (time of event TBD)
I am getting myself organized and mentally prepared to take on each of these events -- the travel involved and sheer nerves required to promote my book; to do it justice, and honour the years of quiet work and whittling away at every word.
I will post more about these events, as the dates approach. For now, I am posting my social media updates and peddling my book to friends, family, colleagues and local bookstores. I am already humbled by the number of people in my life who are buying my book and helping to support my dream. I will be approaching Ivy's Bookshop (Oak Bay), Munro's book store (downtown Victoria), Russell Books (downtown Victoria), and Tanners books (Sidney), in hopes that they will agree to place signed copies on their bookshelves.
Currently, Turnstiles is available in the following online bookstores:
I hope you all stay tuned for upcoming reading events, web listings, social media posts and reviews of my novel, Turnstiles. Please also share this information about my book when and where you can. Thank you so much!
Love, Andrea xo
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